As such, missing teeth would continue to be an option only in CAS. You can prevent the transmission of any other dental abnormalities while selecting for a buck or snaggle teeth. The teeth variants are available for download separately from the main file. This mod should work harmoniously with any other default replacement teeth mods you may have installed, despite the fact that it alters genetics (a.k.a. To give your kid Sims some adorable gap teeth or little bunny buck teeth, you have to restart the game from the beginning in CAS, which has always seemed like an unnecessary hassle to me. When taken seriously, however, the modification is surprisingly realistic. In other words, it’s the way nature intended it to be. This means that baby Sally has a chance of getting both mom and dad’s skin tone and Sally’s snaggle teeth. Just another replacement mod that lets kids inherit their parents’ orthodontic issues and quirks. The genetics in your game will be more realistic with this mod.